Our desire is to glorify God by:
Pslams 100
Hebrews 13:5
We openly worship and
praise the living God
John 13:34-35
Matthew 5:16
We connect with others to
grow, pray and help.
2 Timothy 2:2
Matthew 28:19-20
We teach the word, we do the word, we share
the word and all we have. We serve all people.
Our Mission:
To share the LOVE and GRACE of Jesus through the cross and see lives transformed by the POWER of God. To know the life and peace in a world of chaos.
Our Desire:
To reach into our community to share the life giving truths of the BIBLE with a generation that does not know God, but longs to be known by him.
Our Purpose:
We are commissioned to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with our neighbors. We are committed to preaching and teaching the word of God. We are concerned about seeing believers grow into passionate followers of Jesus. We are compelled by the love of Christ to give ourselves and our resources to reach out to our community and world with the gospel. We are compassionate towards the suffering and those in need.